Not sure what to expect as a first time visitor?
Our Sunday Worship Services are at 9am and 10:45am.
So you’ve heard about Radiant Church, and you are a little curious. Going to a new place can be intimidating and scary. How will I know where to park? What if my kid has to go to the bathroom? What do I wear? We’ve asked those questions too.
Please know we will make every effort to make sure your first experience is worry free.
We look forward to hanging out with you! Here are a few tips!
Wear Comfortable Clothes. Leave that tie on the rack and consider wearing jeans (or rock a shirt and tie if you’d like!) What you wear is not nearly important as who you are.
Park Your Car. Our parking lot is right off Highway 14. Find a spot close to the entrance and stretch your legs as you come in. Take a deep breath, and head in through our main doors.
Welcome. Once you walk through our doors, you will see the smiles and warmth of our Radiant Church family. There will be volunteers ready to serve you and answer any questions you have. Plan on spending some time before and after service meeting new friends. Stop by the Connections Desk and linger in our lobby. There is always hot coffee and snacks.
Radiant Kids Area. Take the most important people in the building to the secure child check in area first. We have a check-in computer right downstairs – ask someone if you need help. You can drop them off right away so they can worship with their peers, or you can bring them into the sanctuary to worship with you, and then bring them to kids church after the worship time (about 20 minutes into the service).
Little Church (Birth – 4 years). Leaving your baby with a stranger can be tough, that is why we have made every effort to make it comfortable and safe. When checking in your baby and bag, you will receive a tag with your name and a number. Please do not lose the tag as it will be the only way to pick up your child. Should we need your assistance, we will put your number on the screen in the sanctuary so you can leave service.
Kids Church (5 years – 5th Grade). This will be best 70 minutes of your kid’s day. They will laugh, sing, dance, and learn with new friends and amazing leaders. Our goal is to help you lead your child to accept Jesus, become like Jesus, and contribute Jesus to our world. Since we only have 70 minutes with them each week, we will often give you tools to help with ideas and get you talking at home. Kids deserve our best and they need to know we believe in them. Caring team leaders will make sure every kid feels welcomed and is connecting to other students.
Sanctuary Grab a bulletin, and enter into worship with us. Our ushers will help you find a seat and don’t worry about anyone making you stand up and say your name. You will be able to blend in the crowd with no worries.
Worship We have worked hard to provide you with an experience where you can connect with God. Our worship band plays a relevant style of music that you will enjoy. Their passion for God is contagious. Words will be on the screen for you to follow.
Teaching Pastor Mac Threinen has a style that is real, relational, and relevant. He is passionate about how the Bible leads us into truth and helps us with everyday living.
Closing We do our best to finish our service in 70 minutes.
Relax We are known for our “come as you are” atmosphere. We desire to be a safe place for people to be in process and a place where everyone knows they are in process. None of us have arrived. If you think church is a place where perfect people go, Radiant Church is not that kind of church.